Ecovillages as catalysts for sustainable rural development
Within the framework of the project “Living in sustainable villages“, funded by the German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt / Bundesumweltministerium), five member associations of GEN Germany, among others Sieben Linden ecovillage, cooperate with five selected villages from their region to share and explore their inspirational power and transferability of solutions for sustainable land development in all four dimensions of sustainability – ecological, economic, social and cultural. Participating communities and regions are:- Ökodorf Sieben Linden and the Lindstedt Region (Altmark / Saxony-Anhalt)
- Schloss Tonndorf / Lebensgut Bobstadt and Seebergen (Mittelthüringen / Thuringia)
- Schloss Tempelhof and Hülen (Swabian-Hall & Ostalbkreis / Baden-Württemberg)
- Lebensgarten Steuerberg and Flegessen, Klein Sünde, Haspelte (Nienburg / Lower Saxony)
- gASTWERKe Escherode and Ziegenhagen (Southern Lower Saxony, Northern Hesse)