Ökodorf Sieben Linden von oben



Ecovillage Sieben Linden D-38489 Beetzendorf OT Poppau (for some navigation devices Bandau OT Poppau) Tel. 039000-51235 Fax: -51232 Email: info (@) siebenlinden.org Core office hours: Mon – Fri: 09:30 – 12: 00h The Freundeskreis Ökodorf eV is a member of the Paritätische Bildungswerk Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.


We would like to welcome our guests with our full attention and on the same time focus on the construction of the village. Therefore, we ask you to visit us only by prior registration. Our exception is the Sunday café, where a registration is not necessary and you can enjoy cakes and a free ecovillage guided tour (most often in German language).

Encrypted communication

If why-ever you want to use end-to-end encrypted communication with us you can send a GPG-encrypted e-mail to encrypted@siebenlinden.org . Please accept that an answer could take a couple of days. This address is checked only periodically by a single person. The key
Fingerprint 2C8F 95DF 285C AC8D F13A 395E 53A8 9504 B194 F92D, which makes ID 53A89504B194F92D
can be found at https://pgp.mit.edu or downloaded from siebenlinden.org .

Contact form