We are building a socially and ecologically oriented settlement for up to 300 people. The focus of our actions and thoughts is the responsibility for the world in which we live. Our goal is the cooperation of humans and nature. Clear structures, extensive self-sufficiency and self-responsibility are the foundations for this.
We assume that important questions of this time need a holistic approach to solutions. This wholeness is possible in the manageable structures of a village. Ecology in all areas of life, social and global justice, freedom from violence against man and nature, natural life and responsibility for one’s being, speaking and acting, joy and creativity in daily life, individual development and spiritual search, can be conditioned and influenced. In its small and decentralized structure, the village is a self-organised entity in which we repeatedly experience the synergy effects of such a way of life.
Building this form of life implies an open process of searching and experimenting as well as developing and testing different ways of sustainable ways of life and a place for personal growth – for those who do not need finished answers. In doing so, we recognize that it is hard work to endure differences and conflicts; hard work especially to yourself.
More about our vision in our policy paper (German).